© Marble Fairbanks
Photo © Marble Fairbanks


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New York

SPARK is a learning center dedicated to generating action in the field of alternate energy technologies and ecological consciousness. The founders of SPARK and their supporters believe that the exponentially increasing rates of energy and resource consumption leave the human population in a unique and challenging position: we must use our abilities to discover new ways of living through an integrated global ecology. SPARK is a new resource for New York City, positioning itself at the cutting edge of the most innovative and progressive methods of environmental problem solving. SPARK’s primary purpose is to display alternate energy opportunities, educate the public to these developments, and serve as a meeting place to further discussion and public awareness. SPARK is an exhibition and learning center dedicated to the advancement of ecological consciousness through education, research, and experimentation. Engaging a broad base of learners, researchers, and educators, SPARK will display alternate energy developments from major corporations and independent inventors, showcase new technologies, and create public programs (lectures, discussions, forums, newsletters, films, outreach programs) that forefront alternate energy sources and sustainable practices. Merging educational and research components, expanding public awareness of our global ecology, and framing local issues in a global context, SPARK is charged with the responsibility of provoking positive change in the interrelationships of natural and social ecologies.

Other Projects by Marble Fairbanks

NYU Abu Dhabi
New York
Slide Library
New York
Pratt Institute Graduate Residence Hall
Glen Oaks Branch Library
Glen Oaks, New York
Greenpoint Library and Environmental Education Center